Monday 16 December 2013

Your judgment can help you to stop smoking

Though every where we see messages that smoking is destructive to health, still most people find it difficult to quit. In this article, you will find some tips that can help you quit smoking here

If you wish to quit smoking, get rid of all of the things in your house that remind you of smoking. This means, no more ash trays or cigarette lighters. If you hold onto this stuff, you'll only be reminded of smoking and it might make you desire to have a cigarette.

What are your reasons to quit? Write down all the reasons including the ones that benefit your family and friends as well. Paste this list some where visibly where you can read every day. This list will help you keep focussed and motivated.

For some people, acupuncture can help you to stop smoking. Acupuncture is a treatment where needles are placed on specific points on your body. This can help in removal of toxins and avoid unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. But make sure you get the treatment from a well qualified professional in this field.

When you are attempting to stop smoking, try to avoid places and situations that can trigger your smoking habit. For example, stay away from the smoking zone at your work. This helps in keeping away temptations and respective triggers.

Inform your family members and seek their assistance in quitting smoking. Indicate them that you may get withdrawal symptoms where you may not be able to think clearly and this can affect in your behavior. When your family members understand and support you, it can be a great boost to your efforts to quit smoking.

Strong committment helps you to continue your desire to quit with inspiration and resolve. Be clear why you want to quit and stay focussed on your committment. Without committment, your desire to quit will not be strong and you tend to restart the habit.

By putting a consistent effort, you can easily stop the smoking habit. Be clear in your goals and work for them in a consistent manner. Have faith in yourself and move on with strong motivation.

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